søndag 20. februar 2011

What kind of tattoo????

Like I said before, I want a tattoo. But I'm not sure what kind of tattoo. All I know is that I want one on my wrist like a bracelet. I have talk a lot with a tattoo artist that I trust. He his very good in his job. I have tought about butterflies and ladybug, but I'm not sure yet. He suggested working antz around the wrist. I loved the idea. Sometimes i feel like one.

Some people get an tattoo that can relay to them, like the childrens name, a dog portrait and so on. I think this is a great idea. And I don't think you regret on tattoos like that. I know a guy that tattooed a scorpion on his foot because he got stung by a scorpion there.
I have also considered to tattoo my childrens name, but I only have to arms and I have 3 children... I don't want tattoo on other places.

I think it's hard to pick my dream design. I do a lot of research on the internet. But when I find my design, I shall go to the artist right away.
I know several who are not so careful to choose a tattoo, they just pick out what look cool. But I don't want that. My tattoo shall stay forever with no regrets

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