mandag 21. februar 2011

The meaning of flower tattoo

Many people today have tattoos. And many women today have tattoos. And many of them have a flower tattoo. A flower can have different meaning. In general, a flower is connected with nature. Anytime we look at a flower, we see life, simply flowers connect with us in the sense that we both grow. Flowers emerge from the earth and continue to grow on a daily basis. Then, the flowers bloom, knowing that they will later dry up and start to wilt away.
A flower tattoo bring back the entire process as knowing as life. but keep in mind that different colors and flowers on tattoos will symbolize other things as well.
White flower tattoos symbolize purity, while red flower tattoos can symbolize a burning passion. 
There are many colors and designs available, giving plenty of meaning to those desiring flower tattoos.
Roses are very common tattoo. The rose symbolizing love.
During the turn of the 16th century, roses were tattooed on those who were sentenced to death. 
If they were to escape from the gallows, the rose tattoo would serve as a symbol to easily recognize them. 
These days, roses symbolize both love and passion. 
Roses have long been known as a romantic flower, popular for special occasions with the ones we love. 
in western regions, rose tattoo are a symbol of love and purity. In eastern regions, lotus flowers are a symbol of love and purity. A lotus flower have more meanings. Lotus tattoos are also known to symbolize fortune, peace, beauty, and goodness.  Even though roses are the most popular tattoos in North America, Lotus flower tattoos are more common in other regions.
Acacia flower tattoo is a symbol of love and friendship.
There are people with irish heritage who choose to tattoo the flower known as Bells of Ireland. This tattoo symbolizing good luck. Irish people who has this tattoo is known to be lucky or have an insane trend with luck.
If you see someone with a tulip on their arm, you can ask them if they know what the tattoo symbolizing. A tulip on the arm symbolizing that you mean you are a perfect lover. Tattoos with tulips represent passionate love and fame for being a great lover.
Violets are common tattoos for those who are shy and timid, and enjoy taking things slow. 
Those wanting to symbolize wisdom and virtue on the other hand, would be well to get an Iris. 
Magnolias are also common with flower tattoos, as they symbolize an individual’s love for nature.

Flower tattoo can be the size you want.

søndag 20. februar 2011

What kind of tattoo????

Like I said before, I want a tattoo. But I'm not sure what kind of tattoo. All I know is that I want one on my wrist like a bracelet. I have talk a lot with a tattoo artist that I trust. He his very good in his job. I have tought about butterflies and ladybug, but I'm not sure yet. He suggested working antz around the wrist. I loved the idea. Sometimes i feel like one.

Some people get an tattoo that can relay to them, like the childrens name, a dog portrait and so on. I think this is a great idea. And I don't think you regret on tattoos like that. I know a guy that tattooed a scorpion on his foot because he got stung by a scorpion there.
I have also considered to tattoo my childrens name, but I only have to arms and I have 3 children... I don't want tattoo on other places.

I think it's hard to pick my dream design. I do a lot of research on the internet. But when I find my design, I shall go to the artist right away.
I know several who are not so careful to choose a tattoo, they just pick out what look cool. But I don't want that. My tattoo shall stay forever with no regrets

fredag 18. februar 2011

The history of tattoo

Tattoos have a rich history of tradition, dating back thousands and thousands of years. 
Throughout the course of time, there has always been an important role of tradition and ritual behind tattoos. In the past, women in Borneo used tattoo to mark their skills.
Tattoos were also used in the past as a way to ward away illnesses and disease by placing the tattoo around the fingers and on the wrist. 
Throughout history, tattoos have also been used to symbolize a clan or society as well.
The purpose of tattoos has different from culture to culture throughout the course of time. Researched shown that tattoos had been used in Egypt in pyramidstime. Egyptians used tattoo to mark the slaves and peasant.
Around 2000 BC tattoos spread to China and then Greece.
Along the way, Japan also incorporated the use of tattoos as well.
Japaneese used tattoos in religious and ceremonial rites. Borneo women was the artists. They produced the designs that indicated the individuals point in life and the tribe that he was affiliated with.
Tattoos was very popular these days, but infections was very common.

In western, the tattoos wasn't accepted at first. A man called William Dampher, was the man who re-itroduced tattoos. During the year 1961, he brought a heavily tattooed prince to the area, showing off his tattoos with exhibitions. He earned a lot of money after this attractions. This "stunt" made tattoos popular and well desired to London and areas around. Before then, it was nearly 600 years since tattoos had been witnessed in the area.
Chatham Square in New York City, was the first placed who featured American styled tattoos. Chatham Square attracted people from all over the United states. Especially those with a lot of money.
A man by the name Samuel O-Riley set up shop in Chatham Sqaure. He was the first who used a tattoo-gun. In the beginning, the now popular tattoo gun was based on Thomas Edison’s electric pin that used a needle point to puncture paper.
The electric tattoo gun features moving coils, a needle bar and tube, which are common components of today’s guns.
The electric gun was very popular, allowing those who wanted a tattoo to get one at a great price. 
These guns helped to revolutionize tattoos and allowed the tattoo artists to give tattoos fairly fast as well. 
People took to this new technology in flocks, making it by far the best and most efficient ways to get tattoos.

During the late 1960s, tattoos really began to take off.  They were featured in magazines, television,
and talked about everywhere. 
These days, tattoos are very common,
with nearly ½ of the population in the United States having at least one tattoo. 
They are still common with bikers and clans, symbolizing that one is a member. 
There are millions of designs out there for tattoos –
including different color combinations that have helped to make tattoos the phenomenon they are today.

torsdag 17. februar 2011

How to remove a tattoo

Yes, this is possible!!
If you regret a tattoo, you can remove it. Everything is possible these days.
There are various reasons why people remove tattoos. Some of them remove their tattoos because of dissatisfaction. Others because of infections. 

There are several ways to remove a tattoo. Skin grafting and dermabrasion are good examples of tattoo removal. 
The most popular and most common these days is laser removal. To take advantage of laser removal, this is the fastest method to remove a tattoo. With this surgery, the laser being used will zap the metal ions that are found in the pigment of the tattoo, fracturing the ink into very small pieces that the body can easily dispose of.
I have seen this on TV, and they say that this is very painfull. And if your tattoo has many colours, you have to do this several times. They take one colour at the time. 

If you have an infections on your tattoo, you have to deal with this before you can remove your tattoo. This can take several days.
Before you decide to get a tattoo removed, you should always make sure that you choose a surgeon you can trust. Lasers can be very dangerous, and there are always side effects and risks involved. The best thing you can do is think long and hard before you get an tattoo to begin with. And to remove a tattoo with laser removal is expensive.


søndag 13. februar 2011

Tounge tattoo?

Tounge tattoo? No, thank you!!
It look like it hurt very much!
If I'm going to tattoo me some day, it isn't a tongue tattoo that I choose. It's enough with my piercing.
But I know that many people choose it. It has become very popular. There are tousands of design you can choose from. Some people choose to colour the entire tounge with one colour. A blue tounge had been fun.
Other choose to tattoo their tounge with stars, tribal work and other shapes and design.

Those who have a tounge tattoo, would say that it doesn't hurt. It's like tickling sensation or numbness in the mounth.
And I ask myself, how can you hold your tounge out for so long? When I pierced my tounge, I automatically pulled the tounge back into my mouth. And I had to google it. And it stood:
"The artist use a tool to hold out the tounge. But you have to hold your tounge steady by yourself."
If you ever have got your tounge pierced, you know how the tool look like.I tought that the tool look like a sausage pinch.
If this sounds interesting to you, you have to find a tattoo artist in yout area that have a experience with this. Not everybody is familiar with this.
Good luck!!

fredag 11. februar 2011

Temporary tattoos

Temporary tattoos sounds like music in my ears. It's much cheeper than a permanent tattoo. It dosen't hurts like a permanent one. And if you get tired of it, you can wash it away, that's not as easy with a permanent tattoo
With temporary tattoos, you wont get any infections.
With temporary tattoos you can try out different tattoos to find out which suits best for you. It can be smart to try this before you get an permanent tattoo. If you get an permanent tattoo, and you don't like it, it's painfull and expensive to remove it. You can remove it with laser.
You can find temporary tattoos in local stores or on the internet. Even the tattoo-artist sells temporary tattoos.

onsdag 9. februar 2011

Minimazing the pain

Personally, I am really afraid to get a tattoo. I don't have any, but I want one so much. Research is very important to me. Google is my best friend. :)
I read somwhere that the artist can help yu with your fear of needles and try to ease the pain.
The pain you experience, depends on your tolerance. If you have a high pain tolerance, you may feel next to nothing during the entire process. When you get a tattoo, the needles will puncture your skin at very fast rates and variable depths.
The outline of the tattoo is easily the most painful, as the needles will be used to create a black line that will stand out on the tattoo. 
This part need to be inserted fairly deeply and carefully to ensure that it’s done correctly. 
The shading of the tattoo normally isn’t painful, although it depends on the penetration depth and effect that you desire.
The pain you feel it's like burning or scratching.
If you want a tatto on area where there is less bone and tissue such as the wrist or chest, the pain is more intense. Areas like the arms and legs however, normally aren’t that painful. 
Areas such as these have more tissue and muscle, which will lessen the amount of pain you feel.
Even though some pain is to be expected, there are ways that you can minimize the pain. 
Below are some tips that will help you deal with the pain.
1.Never show up to a get a tattoo on drugs or drunk.  This will thin out your blood, causing you to bleed  more.
2.Always choose a tattoo artist that you are comfortable around.  If you have confidence in your artist you can minimize the pain a great deal.
3.Show up at the studio with sheer determination.  You should accept the fact that the tattoo will take time. 
   Quality work is an art – and should never be rushed.
4.If the pain becomes too much to bear, you should let your tattoo artist know immediately. 
   He will allow you to take a break, or stop and come back later.  You can always break up your sessions, as tattoos don’t need to be finished immediately.
5.To ease your mind, listen to music.  This way, you can take your mind to a different place and focus on something other than the tattoo.